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Telegram WG-Bot

Telegram WG-Bot

Um die Aufgaben in unserer Studenten-WG managen zu können, eine gemeinsame Einkaufsliste zu führen und die Finanzen besser im Blick zu behalten, habe ich 2019 einen Telegram-Bot programmiert. Dieser ist Mitglied in unserer WG-Gruppe und kann sowohl in der Gruppe, als auch im Privatchat Nachrichten entgegennehmen. Nach und nach kamen immer mehr Funktionen hinzu. Programmiert ist der Bot in Python mithilfe der “telepot” library. Ein kleines Frontend zeigt zudem in der Küche auf einem Monitor die wichtigsten Informationen an. Die…

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Digitizing our Gas Meter

Digitizing our Gas Meter

The goal of this project was to be able to display the gas consumption of our house on our kitchen dashboard in order to get a better overview of the costs incurred and to explore the potential for savings. The basic idea was to use a magnetic switch sensor (Reed-sensor) to read impulses from our gas meter. This sensor should forward the impulses to an ESP32 running Tasmota, which then increments a counter and forwards the data to my home…

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Automated Irrigation System

Automated Irrigation System

In order to make it easier to water the plants on my balcony, I built a small irrigation system. The basis of this system consists of a 50-liter barrel, a 12V high pressure pump and a lot of thin PVC tube with attached sprinklers. Controlling the pump The high pressure pump is connected to a relay, which is controlled by one of my Raspberry Pi Zeros. If the relay is closed, the pump receives power from a 12V power supply…

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Welcome to my website!

Welcome to my website!

On this website, I share posts about my hobby projects, which usually revolve around microcomputers, python, telegram bots and web frontends. Scroll down to check out my recent posts!